The focus of this collection on May 13 - 14 will be helping those in our community struggling with rent and utility issues plus assisting those living in temporary housing find affordable housing in the aftermath of the pandemic and economic fluctuations. If you miss this collection opportunity, please feel free to place your donation in the Poor Box or in the collection basket (make checks out to SVdP), or visit the website at: and designate SVdP in the “Designate your gift to” dropdown. Thank You for your continuing generosity to this shared mission. Please keep our ministry and neighbors in your prayers. The SVdP ministry has immediate need for helpers in taking assistance calls, volunteer at the SVdP food pantry on Saturday morning or help at the monthly Catholic Charities Food Truck. The Plano Overnight Warming Station also needs volunteers to help serve homeless individuals needing shelter during freezing weather each winter. Please call 972-282-8077 to sign up for any of these activities.